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Accreditation Process

Accelerating Quality skills towards an information Savvy Society.


We provide Accreditation to any organisation seeks accreditation within any particular Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA). of the following Accrediting bodies:

We also proved help with regard to the extension of scope with your current SETA and programme approval with a secondary SETA


Accreditation Process

  • We Complete an Accreditation SETA/QCTO Application Form on your company behalf.
  • We supply and customize the Quality Management System (QMS).
  • We source Assessors and Moderators and arrange the MOU for you.
  • We source SAQA aligned Training Material.
  • We deal with the SETA for clarification on any queries that may arise during the Accreditation process.
  • We induct a Pre-Site Visit Consultation for preparation of Training Premises to ensure compliance with SETA requirements.
  • Conduct workshops on implementing the Quality Management System in order to obtain maximum productivity and maintain a management system designed to continuously monitor and improve the organisation’s day to day operations.

What Client Says

Looking at its layout. The point of using very profectly is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed